Melco's logo

The Milko logo symbolizes green and white Green: Represents the green pastures in which our cows graze under the sun And the white color: expresses the milk that is extracted from our cows that graze in the green pastures

Our products are 100% natural

Our natural products are made from 100% natural milk, free of preservatives

Our products

Melco produces many products such as cream, mozzarella, butter and more


Our vegetable products are free from hydrogenated or saturated oils and are made only from low-melting unsaturated oils

Our farm technology

our farms

The farm is located on an area of ​​10 acres and includes a herd of 500 cows, which is enough to provide 5% of the daily needs of raw milk. Milko is looking to expand its dairy farm and develop its production capacity, in order to ensure the quality and quantity of raw milk while enhancing the company's ability to contribute to reducing the gap between supply and demand for milk in Egypt.

cow cooling system

To increase productivity, the company has implemented an innovative system for cooling cows to meet the prevailing climatic conditions in the region, high temperature and low humidity, by placing large-sized and energy fans with pumps to push water on the cows to cool them so that the water is only a mist. This innovative cooling system contributes to giving the cows high production efficiency, which means that production rates are stable in summer and winter.

advanced lab

To ensure that the feed and milk produced are free from diseases, the Milko farm has been supported with an advanced laboratory whose tasks are focused on analyzing the nutrients provided to the cows, as well as analyzing the milk produced to determine the quality of the milk, whether the number of bacteria present in each millimeter of milk to the number of somatic cells in each millimeter of milk, in addition to Analyzing the diseases affecting cows and knowing the appropriate treatment and vaccinations for use in the herd.

the taste

All products are manufactured using the best selected food ingredients, which then go through sterilization processes in order to ensure delicious and safe products.

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